The majority of the web hosting beginners often stumble upon this frequently asked question. Getting the sort of answer you are looking for can be difficult and at-times irritating. But nevertheless, that shouldn't be a point to ponder much on let alone worry about. This blog puts 2 and 2 together for the readers in terms of whether or not Linux is an adequate platform for beginners in the field of web hosting. Moreover, this blog also focuses on some of the very basic yet essential commands related to networking and web hosting on Linux based operating systems. For those of you who don’t know Linux that well, here is a brief introduction to the Linux Operating System. It is a very basic open source platform, quite familiar amongst programmers worldwide. It’s a relatively cheap, stable and secure OS for any kind of web based computing needs of an individual or an organization. There are many versions of Linux available online. These versions are also known as distribution . What t...
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