Work Place Posture and Ergonomics Many of us have a job, which require 8 to 9 hours of sitting in an office and staring at computer screen. End of the day we complain of back, neck and shoulder pain. All this happens due to our bad sitting postures. What is Posture? Posture is the way we position our body or limbs against the gravity, when we stand, sit, walk, etc. A poor work posture such as slouching, shoulder slump, locked knees, etc can cause serious health problems. A good posture is not just keeping your spine straight. It requires proper alignment of the body, in every situation so that least strain is put on the supporting limbs. Poor posture in the office is the main cause of work stress, back and shoulder pain, and recurring strain injury reducing the productivity of an employee. Though habits are difficult to change especially the bad ones yet with the right guidance and persistency you can win the battle. Here are few important tips on how to improve your ...
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